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The cost of JavaScript in 2019 (discusses the cost of JSON parsing strings vs. JS JSON literals in this section) img tag lazy attribute dillonkearns/elm-bcp47-language-tag jfmengels/elm-review-unused Mario Rogic's gist on the reasons code splitting can't be done right now with Elm's compiler internals Breaking up with SVG-in-JS blog post HTML use t…
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Wolfgang Schuster (github) (twitter) elm-open-api (NPM package) (Elm package) Akita (now part of postman) JSON Schema dillonkearns/elm-form Wolfgang's Effortless SDKs blog post GraphQL Custom Scalar Codecs feature in dillonkearns/elm-graphql elm-units package Open API Generator swagger-elm elm-open-api Real World example…
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Andrew MacMurray (github) (site) elm-concurrent-task lobanov/elm-taskport elm-pages v3's BackendTask API elm-review-simplify 0ui/elm-task-parallel package elm/core Task API lamdera-program-test elm-pkg-js - A standard for shipping simple JS with Elm Packages elm-concurrent-task pipeline worker example…
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Jakub Hampl (github) (site) elm-visualization elm-visualization intro guide elm-visualization's Scale API D3 selections elm-vega and elm-vega-lite elm-visualization's example gallery gampleman/elm-example-publisher WGS84 spec avh4/elm-color elm-community/typed-svg folkertdev/one-true-path-experiment elm-visualization 2.4.0 release notes Weather rad…
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Wolfgang Schuster (github) (twitter) Elm Weekly Elm Camp segakcap Elm Online Meetup Elmcraft Elm Land Elm at a Billion Dollar Company episode Elm 2022 Year in Review post The Elm Discourse Casper Schipper's audio/visual art piece Email elmweekly.wolfgang gmail.com to suggest links for the newsletter…
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Ryan Haskell-Glatz (twitter) (youtube) (github) (sponsor) elm-land Elm Radio elm-spa episode Evan's talk Let’s be mainstream! "Take responsibility for user experiences" (from the Elm philosophy) Ryan's live stream video 🌱 Upgrading from elm-spa • Elm Land LIVE Ryan's experimental NPM tool css-in-elm elm-land guide's section on components Elm Radio …
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elm-pages scripts episode OptimizedDecoder in elm-pages v2 Netlify's DPR (Distributed Persistent Rendering) elm-pages v3 Express community adapter elm-pages v3 Session API Writing Great Docs episode dillonkearns/elm-form episode elm-pages v3 announcement postDillon Kearns
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Evan's Elm philosophy tweet elm-review docs elm-doc-preview elm-review-documentation elm-verify-examples sparksp/elm-review-forbidden-words elm-package-starter Idiomatic Elm Package Guide elm-book Elm Radio episode How (And When) to Publish a Package Docs for Developers bookDillon Kearns
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elm-review Data Extractors elm-codegen elm-pages Scripts jfmengels/elm-review-license NoDeprecated Rule elm-review preventExtract function Brian Hicks' tree-grepper elm-review ModuleNameLookupTable jfmengels/elm-review-cognitive-complexity elm-coverage elmi-to-json Review.Test.expectDataExtract Jeroen's blog post Gaining insight into your codebase …
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Flavio Corpa (github) Flavio's blog post series Giving Names to Stuff Running Out of Maps blog post Elm Radio Category Theory episode Functors Applicative Monad Quick check haskell cherry-core NRI prelude Scaling elm apps episode lexi-lambda comment about laziness in Haskell Effectful Haskell library undefined in Haskell Strange Loop conference tal…
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dillonkearns/elm-form Exploring a New Form API Design episode (discussion of some ideas that became dillonkearns/elm-form) Ellie example of elm-form Meetdown code that does additional checks to ensure that opaque type are trusted (sending unparsed data in Lamdera sendToBackend avoids this pattern) Lamdera example with elm-form elm-app-url dillonkea…
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ChatGPT GitHub Co-Pilot Tweet showing intermediary questions prompt engineering technique elm-gql episode Dillon's prompt engineering type puzzle examples Decode mapping solution (correct on first try) Markdown solution with 2 corrections from compiler feedback Dillon's Frame Then Fill In blog post describes a similar method to the GPT prompt…
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elm-codegen episode Elm Code Generation episode Scaffold API in elm-pages v3 beta Exploring a New Form API Design episode DHH Building a Rails blog in 15 minutes elm-pages Scripts episode Example of elm-pages AddRoute script elm-pair elm-review-html-to-elm alexkorban/elm-review-json-to-elmDillon Kearns
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Philipp Krüger, aka matheus23 (github) (twitter) matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules matheus23/elm-default-tailwind-modules TailwindCSS Introduction to elm-tailwind-modules Elm Radio episode Tailwind UI html-to-elm.com elm-review-html-to-elm package matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules-baseDillon Kearns
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Simon Lydell (github) lydell/elm-app-url Short YouTube walkthrough Introducing elm-app-url John Kelly's blog post explaining the URL parser types understanding the design of elm/url Richard Feldman's conference talk explaining early elm-css syntax design ideas and changes over time The Design Evolution of elm-css and elm-test URLSearchParams in Jav…
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Lindsay Wardell (github) Vite ESM (native JS module import statement) esbuild Rollup Vitest Turbopack Vite SSR mode (for framework authors) vite-plugin-elm Docs on configuring Vite Lindsay's vite-elm-template Web Workers API Lindsay's blog post Utilizing Elm in a Web Worker elm-watch Elm Radio episode Article about finding Google Fonts embeds to be…
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elm-pages v3 (still in pre-release) elm-pages v2 DataSources are called BackendTasks in v3 Feels similar to elm/core Task (andThen, map, mapError) Script.log Minimal setup repo for running scripts wolfadex/elm-ink BackendTask.Custom mdgriffith/elm-codegen FatalError BackendTask.allowFatal Zod dillonkearns/elm-cli-options-parser (Elm package for par…
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Georges Boris (twitter) (github) (Uncover) elm-widgets Twitter Bootstrap elm-theme elm-theme Tailwind plugin elm-sortable-table philosophy in readme Confidenceman02/elm-select/latest/ tesk9/elm-accessible-html tesk9/palette elm-theme showcase site using Elm Book elm-theme theme generator Why Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS blog post Loading widgets Moda…
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Bobby Tables XKCD comic SQL injections DDoS attacks XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attack prevention cheatsheet Jeroen's blog post Fixing vulnerabilities in Elm's virtual DOM HTTP cross origin cookie policy options Richard's Oslo Elm Day keynote where he discusses rolling your own tools for security reasons lukewestby/elm-http-builder Output Encoding a…
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Guests Mario Rogic (twitter) (github) Matthew Griffith (twitter) (github) Links Elmcraft.org Jeroen's Elmcraft article ESLint equivalents in Elm Martin Janiczek's Elmcraft article on Let Polymorphism Elmcraft project on GitHub Elmcraft discord elm-codegen elm-gql Matt's Strange Loop talk CodeGen with Types, for Humans, by Humans Tail recursion modu…
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Practice makes permanent Flow book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Key Principles of Deliberate Practice Isolation Appropriate level of challenge Introspection Code katas Fuzz buzz Tennis kata Roman Numerals Kata Gilded rose Constraint games TDD is a core tenant of katas Exercism Martin Janiczek fuzz testing (and elm-test v2) episode Advent of Code Dill…
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vendrinc/elm-gql dillonkearns/elm-graphql elm-codegen The Insomnia API client has a graphql tool GraphQL variables Wrap early, unwrap late GraphQL Union Types GraphQL Enum types Dillon's Types Without Borders elm-conf talk GraphQL fragments Richard Feldman's talk Immutable Relational Data Elm Store Pattern episode remotedata package Elm Radio elm-g…
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Is TDD Dead? (TDD is Dead and associated video discussions with TDD experts) Roc-lang's tagged unions XP (Extreme Programming) 80-20 rule (i.e. Pareto Principle) Amanda Laucher's ScalaDays talk Types vs Tests Kent Beck's book TDD by Example dtwrks/elm-book Martin Janiczek's Elm Online talk on Storybook-driven development Talk with demo of program s…
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Getting Things Done methodology Elm Radio Developer Productivity episode Elm Radio Parse, Don't Validate episode Scaling Elm apps Elm Radio episode Ruby's method_missing Ruby's Enumerble API methods Joël Quenneville's recommendation to write functions at a single level of abstraction elm-pages v3 API makes HttpOnly cookies opt-out instead of opt-in…
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Aaron White (github) (twitter) Vendr (github) Vendr, Software Procurement Startup, Raises $150 Million at Unicorn Valuation - Bloomberg Make Impossible States Impossible Luke Westby's talk on Web Components Richard Feldman's 2016 meetup talk on Web Components elm-spa-example elm-spa elm-spa-realworld example Evan's elm-sortable-table repo Actor fra…
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Sponsor: CareRev CareRev is looking for Senior Frontend Elm engineers (job listing). elm-review-simplify Elm Radio Root Cause of False Positives episode Dillon's pairing session using snapshot testing prototype with Corey Haines elm-snapshot-test prototype repo Approval testing elm-coverage elm-instrument Llewellyn Falco Gilded Rose kata video Idea…
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Jeroen's tweet on the root cause of false positives Epistemology Isabelle and TLA+ (proof systems) Precautionary principle array-callback-return ESLint rule elm-review's ModuleNameLookupTable Jeroen's Safe unsafe operations in Elm blog post Jeroen's Lambda Days 2022 talk (video not yet published)Dillon Kearns
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Martin Janiczek (github) (twitter) (youtube) elm-test episode Fuzzing is also known as Property-Based Testing Parameterized tests Martin's pure Elm text editor includes some fuzz tests Martin's pull request for the elm-test v2 changes Integrated shrinking vs the value-based (AKA type-based) approach Fuzz.andThen and Fuzz.filter (existed in 0.18 but…
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Error messages should give three pieces of info The problem Why it's a problem How to go forward Needing to do magic incantations to get things into a good state adds cognitive load and makes debugging harder Make tools more predictable Clear mental model (avoid inconsistencies and leaky abstractions) Doing an operation through different means shou…
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Martin Janiczek (github) (twitter) (youtube) Martin's Store Pattern talk Store Pattern example GitHub repo Gizra fetch pattern blog post elm-fetch, and Easier HTTP Requests to Reason with Gizra elm-fetch package RemoteData package RemoteData blog post How Elm Slays a UI Antipattern elm-program-test is useful for integration testing data loading elm…
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Martin Stewart (github) State of Elm 2022 GitHub Repo Brian Hicks' State of Elm talk from Elm Europe Brian's State of Elm 2018 blog post GitHub issues for state of Elm repo elm-pages showcase page Martin's GOTO conference talk - Hobby Scale: Making Web Apps with Minimal Fuss Evan's talk What is Success What's Working for Elm episode Martin's Elm On…
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Georges Boris (twitter) (github) elm-book Elixir's Hex docs Leaf lang docs site (built with elm-book) elm-verify-examples elm-book in elm-book guide elm-visualization examples site elm-charts site elm-widgets (alpha package docs) elm-admin (alpha package docs) elm-ui-explorer (alternative Elm storybook style framework - comes with knobs) dmy's Elm …
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Alex Russell's post Platform Adjacency Theory VoiceOver rotor utility Use semantic HTML to improve screen reader experiences Forms - use onsubmit with a form to get nice keyboard handling and screen reader accessibility datetime-local tags MDN docs for sending form data HTMHell (examples of non-standard HTML from the wild and why it matters…
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Incremental Steps episode Built-in quality (from Lean principles) Tiny commits Kent Beck's book TDD by example Dead Code episode Close open loops Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology Capturing Processing Pomodoro Method rainymood.com Centered App Trunk-based development elm-review template flag (preview folder) sparksp/elm-review-no-forbidden-word…
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Oxbow code (code that was once used but is no longer in use) Jeroen's elm-review-unused elm-review rule Jeroen's blog post Safe dead code removal in a pure functional language blog post elm-review-simplify Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology Inbox Zero Jeroen's no-extraneous-dependencies rule Try out elm-review-unused with elm-review --template j…
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Joël Quenneville (Twitter) Elm's Universal Pattern episode List.concatMap is the same pattern as andThen under a different name andThen identity can be used to flatten something Dillon's Combinators article Martin Janiczek's elm-list-cartesian package gives two valid map2 implementions for List Monoid - need a way of having something empty, and way…
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Solving the Boolean Identity Crisis (Elm Conf talk by Jeremy Fairbank) If It Compiles, It Works episode Opaque Types episode Life of a File talk by Evan Czaplicki Roc language ianmackenzie/elm-units package Parse, Don't Validate episode Using Semantic Types to Squash Bugs - Dillon's talk where he walks through the mechnical steps to safely introduc…
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Ju Liu (twitter) (github) Elm at NoRedInk Ju's blog noredink-ui is NoRedInk's internal UI kit (live demo page) avh4/elm-program-test elm-sortable-table API Implementing Elm Podcast season 1 cultureamp/react-elm-components (React library for embedding Elm as a Web Component) elm-community/js-integration-examples NoRedInk is hiring Elm and Haskell de…
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Robin Hansen (twitter) (github) elm-optimize-level-2 Html.Lazy API Outperforming Imperative with Pure Functional Languages - talk about Roc by Richard Feldman Tail call optimization Successes, and failures, in optimizing Elm’s runtime performance - Robin's blog post series on his elm-optimize-level-2 optimizations WASM Maybe you don't need Rust and…
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Dillon's blog posts If It Compiles It Works and When It Compiles But Doesn't Work Wiring Refactoring Running code paths to check it works vs checking assumptions at the gate Dillon's talk Types Without Borders Shotgun surgery - Parse, Don't Validate episode Order independent You can trust your tests Keeping what you depend on to a minimum helps mak…
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Woody Zuill on Turn Up the Good Mob Programming Where Could We Turn Up the Good? Pure FP Elm 0.19 removing side effects Purity is what makes elm-review interesting Jeroen's post Safe dead code removal in a pure functional language No runtime exceptions Useful Error Messages Useful error messages Evan's 2017 Deconstructconf talk Evan Czaplicki On St…
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