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Motivation, Inspiration and Hope for healing digestive diseases naturally. Your deep body wisdom knows what you need; techniques and resources to help you connect and listen to your gut. LOTS more tools, tutorials, and home remedies at ListenToYourGut.com
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Welcome to GWOLF Leadership Podcast, where we are going to help you, with transformational leadership tools, that will help you, bring out your leadership ability and make your team accomplish extraordinary results.
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na tattaunawa da likitoci da mahukunta a game da kiyon lafiyar jama’a, sanin sabbin magunguna da binciken kimiya ya samar. Ana gabatar da shirin a ranar Littinin da hantsi, tare da maimaici a ranar Jumma'a da safe.
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Listen in on the latest Town Hall conversation, wherever you are! In the Moment is a weekly podcast featuring in-depth interviews curated by Town Hall’s Digital Media Manager, Jini Palmer. Senior Correspondent Steve Scher, along with a host of Seattle journalists and thought leaders, take on topics ranging from science and health, civics and culture, to the arts—and beyond! Join us, In the Moment, for expansive talks from Town Hall’s digital stage.
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THIS PODCAST IS TAKING A BREAK THROUGH 2024. .It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with animals and with ourselves. This podcast promotes conversations about human consciousness and self-awareness as a precursor to the recognition of animals and plants as sentient beings. It brings together people from many different perspectives who openly share their journey of awakening to the sentience of all life. Your host, Ginny Jablonski, is an animal communicator and intuitive who is passionate ...
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Shirin 'Lafiya Jari Ce' na wannan makon tare da Azima Bashir Aminu ya mayar da hankali kan cutar Kwalara ko Amai da Gudawa da ta afkawa wasu jihohin Najeriya, inda ta haifar da asarar ɗumbin rayuwa tun bayan ɓullarta a farkon wannan shekara ta 2024RFI Hausa
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce a wannan makon ya mayar da hankali kan matsalar damuwa mai dankwafarwa ko tsananin damuwa da ake kira Depression, cutar da ake ganin ta’azzararta a baya-bayan nan tsakanin ƙasashe masu tasowa musamman waɗanda ke fama da matsi ko kuma ƙuncin rayuwa. Wasu bayanan ƙwararru yayin bikin ranar lafiyar ƙwaƙwalwa da ya gudana a farkon…
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce a wannan makon yayi duba ne kan ƙalubalen da fannin lafiya ke fuskanta na yadda ake gani a halin yanzu jama’a ke tsoro ko kuma kaucewa gwaje-gwajen lafiya ciki kuwa da har da wajibi da suka ƙunshi hawajini da nau’in jini ko kuma rukuninsa duk kuwa da muhimmancin hakan ga lafiyarsu. A baya-bayan nan bincike ya gano yadda jama’a…
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Shirin lafiya jari ce a wannan makon ya mayar da hankali ne game da matsalar shaye-shayen magunguna ba bisa ka'ida ko kuma shawarwarin masana kiwon kiwon lafiya ba, wadda hakan ke haifar da matsaloli da dama a jikin dan'adam. 14/10/2024RFI Hausa
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In this webinar hosted by Amrita Nutrition in the UK, Natasha Trenev (founder of Natren probiotics) and I present some insider details and tips on implementing Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol to eradicate gut infection. We also answer top questions from our readers regarding natural gut healing protocols. Practitioners Bring Their Tough Patient Qu…
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Illar da hayaƙin taba sigari ke da shi ga lafiyar al'umma
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Shirin lafiya jari ce a wannan makon ya mayar da hankali ne game da matsalar zuƙar taba sigari a cikin al'umma saɓanin wasu keɓantattun wurare da doka ta tanada. Hukumar Lafiya ta Duniya WHO ta ce a duk shekara sama da mutane miliyan 8 ne ke mutuwa sanadiyar shakar hayakin taba sigari kuma daga cikin wancan adadi, akwai sama da yara dubu 65 waɗanda…
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Shirin lafiya jari ce a wannan makon ya mayar da hankali kan yadda ake ganin ƙaruwar masu fama da cutar amasonin jini, ko Sickler ko kuma Emasi, batun da ke da alaƙa ta kai tsaye da auratayyar da ake yi tsakanin masu nau’ikan jinin da masana ke gargaɗi kan illar da hakan ke da shi ga ƴaƴan da za su haifa. Ku latsa alamar sauti don sauraron cikakken…
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Chronic Illness and Health Saboteurs In this LTYG Podcast, I talk with Chiropractor and Functional Nutritionist Dr. Thomas Kutchenbrod about the common ways he sees his clients sabotage their own healing. We understand what are the top health saboteurs that are impacting your healing journey from chronic gut disorders. We discuss the most common pa…
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A wannan makon shirin ya mayar da hankali ne kan abubuwan da ke haddasa cutar koda, la'akari da yadda cutar ke tsananta a wannan lokaci musamman a kasashe irin Najeriya, sabanin a lokutan baya da ba kasafai ake ganinta ba, baya ga karancin wuraren wankin kodar da ake fama dasu wato dialysis centers a turance. Wani bincike na baya-bayan nan na nuni …
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Shirin lafiya jarice na wannan mako ya mayar da hankali ne kan cutar katsewar laka wacce ke iya afkuwa a sanadiyar hadarin mota ko makamantansu da rikice-rikice ko fadowa daga wurare masu tudu da dai sauransu. Ku latsa alamar sauti domin sauraren cikakken shirinRFI Hausa
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A wannan mako shirin zai mayar da hankali game da cuta ko kuma ‘‘lalurar katsewar Laka’’ wato Spinal cord Injury, lalurar da a baya-bayan nan alƙaluma ke nuna yawaitar masu fama da ita a sassan Najeriya, walau sakamakon haɗarin mota ko rikici dama sauran dalilai. Yayin bikin ranar wayar da kai game da lalurar ta Laka da ke gudana a kowanne wata na …
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For those of you who enjoyed my podcast with functional medicine practitioner, Jenni Berman, you can get more of both of us in this episode where she interviews me! How Healing is a Shift in Perspective We get into a whole variety of topics, like family dynamics around illness, often unknown triggers for food allergy, why I went to Tokyo to begin m…
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Yadda cutar borin gishiri ke addabar mata masu juna biyu a Jamhuriyar Nijar
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A wannan makon shirin zai mayar da hankali kan cutar borin gishiri ko kuma kumburin da mata ke fama da ita yayin da suke da dauke da juna biyu, wacce kuma a lokuta da dama kan haddasa asarar rayuka. Wannan cuta a Jamhuriyar Nijar na daga cikin wacce ke ciwa hukumomi tuwo a kwarya ganin yadda mata sama da dari biyar da 30 cikin kowace mace dubu daya…
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Ƙaruwar ƙananan yara da ke fama da matsalar ƙarancin abinci mai gina jiki
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A wannan makon shirin zai mayar da hankali kan ƙaruwar ƙananan yaran da ke fama da cutar yunwa ko kuma Tamowa a yankunan da ke fama da ƙarancin abinci, cikinsu kuwa har da Nijar, ƙasar da alƙaluman 2021 ke cewa akwai ƙananan yara ƴan ƙasa da shekaru 5 akalla miliyan 1 da dubu 800 da ke fama da rashin abinci mai gina jiki. A baya-bayan nan anga ƙaru…
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Shirin 'Lafiya Jari Ce' na wannan makon zai mayar da hankalli ne a kan gargaɗin da hukumar kiyaye ingancin abinci da magunguna a Najeriya, wato NAFDAC ta yi a kan hatsarin da ke tattare da amfani da maganin kashe ƙwari na Sniper a wajen adana kayan abinci domin kare su daga ƙwari. NAFDACdai ta jaddada haramcin da ta yi a kan amfani da wannan magani…
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Shirin 'Lafiya Jari Ce' na wannan makon tare da Azima Bashir Aminu ya tattauna ne kan tasarin nau'ukan abinci da akan ƙirkira a ɗakunan bincike wadanda ake kira Synthetic foods a turance, domin nazari kan illolinsu ko kuma akasi ga lafiyar jama'a, duba da yadda nau'ukan abinci da nomansu akayi ba ko kiwo ke samun ƙarbuwa a wasu kasashen duniya.…
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na wannan mako ya yi duba ne kan yadda kansar bakin mahaifa ke hallaka Mata, musamman ƴan tsakanin shekaru 15 zuwa 44, a Najeriya. Kuna iya latsa alamar sauti domin sauraron shirin...RFI Hausa
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na wannan mako ya duba kan yadda mata ke yin tiyatar gyaran jiki ko sauya sura wato Cosmetics Surgery, wacce a yanzu mata da dama suka runguma, duk kuwa da yadda likitocin ke ganin hakan na da illa ga lafiyarsu. Ku latsa alamar sauti don sauraron cikakken shirin tare da Azima Bashir Aminu......…
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Tsarin kiwon lafiya da mahukunta ke dauka a Saudiyya
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na wannan mako ya duba yanayin lafiyar mahajjata, a dai-dai lokacin da al'ummar Musulmai ke gudanar da ibadar hajji a Saudiyya. Danna alamar saurare domin jin cikakken shirin tare da Azima Bashir AminuRFI Hausa
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Shirin lafiya jari ce a wannan makon ya yi duba ne kan yadda har yanzu wasu daga cikin al’ummar Najeriya basa amfani da tsarin inshorar lafiya. A shekarar 2022 ne gwamnatin kasar ta sake dawo da dokar inshorar lafiya da aka samar tun 1999, a wani yunƙuri na sauƙaƙawa Jama’a samun kulawar lafiya cikin rahusa, lura da yadda kaso mai yawa na al’ummar …
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Shirin na wannan mako ya duba yadda kananan yara musamman a Najeriya da sauran kasashe masu tasowa ke gaza karbar alluran rigakafin da ya kamata su samu kafin cika shekaru biyar da haihuwa.RFI Hausa
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A wannan makon shirin Lafiya Jari ce ya yi duba ne a kan halin da ake ciki a yaki da cutar Tamuwa tsakanin kananan Yara a Jamhuriyar Nijar.RFI Hausa
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A wannan makon shirin zai yi duba kan cutar kyanda ko kuma measles a turance, cutar da galibi akan ga bullarta a irin wannan lokaci da ake fama da matsanancin zafi musamman a yankunan kasashen yammacin Afrika Sahel. Zuwa karshen watan Fabarairun da ya gabata, fiye da yara 700 suka harbu da cutar kyanda a jihar Borno cikin watan yayinda zuwa yanzu t…
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Yadda matasa ke rungumar tsarin yin kaho a zamanance
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Shirin lafiya jari ce na wannan mako ya mayar da hankali ne kan tsarin yin kaho a zamanance Dannan alamar saurare don jin cikakken shirin tare da Azima Bashir AminuRFI Hausa
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Karancin ruwa na haddasa tarin cutuka ga al'ummar arewacin Kamaru
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Shirin Lafiya jari ce tare da Azima Bashir Aminu a wannan makon ya mayar da hankali ne kan yadda al’ummar yankin arewacin kamaru ke fuskanta matsalar rashin tsaftatacce kuma wadataccen ruwan sha ba, wanda ke haddasa gagarumar matsala ga lafiyar mazauna yankunan, wannan shi ne maudu’in da shirin na wannan mako zai mayar da hankali akai. Tsaftatacce …
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Healing your body by listening to your gut In this fascinating interview with Jini Patel Thompson, founder of Listen to Your Gut and author of multiple books, host Vai Kumar uncovers lots of impactful information about Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis, and IBS). A very personal topic to both guest and host, this episode …
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In this podcast, health coach and yoga teacher Cate Stillman interviews me after she discovered my work during a search for help with scar tissue protocols and adhesions. So a lot of the podcast is us discussing my protocols for reducing or dissolving scar tissue, and why surgery is not usually the solution. But we also get into my personal journey…
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Animal Soul Agreements with Tammy Billups
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Tammy is an animal and human healer who walks her talk. Twenty-two years ago, she embarked on a deep inner healing journey after experiencing four losses within a few months’ time. Through this difficult period, she suddenly had access to the psychic abilities of seeing, feeling, and sensing energy. Tammy is now a celebrated international holistic …
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How Good Can It Get with Cynthia Sue Larson
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Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of several books including Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is founder of RealityShifters, first president of the International Mandela Effe…
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Are You Withholding Love? with Katie Bishop
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Katie Bishop is a certified energy healer and founder of Earth Bishop, a practice dedicated to helping people break free from energetic blockages while drawing on their innate abilities to embody the true Self and live in alignment with the Soul’s highest purpose. The Earth Bishop practice includes offerings such as Energy Clearing, Soul Part ("Wou…
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Human Soul Agreements with Jini and Ginny
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Please join Jini and I as we discuss the complex nature of Soul Agreements www.listentoyourgut.com www.listentoyourhorse.com www.jinipatelthompson.com To view a free Soul Agreement workshop hosted by IANDS Chicago, check out Ginny's website at: https://heartofthehorse.us/free-content The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD. *T…
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Navigating the Evolution of Perspective with Donna Condrey-Miller
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As a mature adult getting her first horse Donna Condrey-Miller had ideas of equestrian adventure and conquering the heroic challenges of controlling a large animal who would willingly obey her every command. Several years on and a few horses now in her barn, she began to see that the horses had their own ideas about their purpose in life. Feeling l…
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Shine Your Light with Michael J. Tamura (posthumously)
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Please enjoy the brilliant story telling of the late Michael J. Tamura in this episode. Michael J. Tamura (July 14, 1953 - Oct. 24, 2023) Spiritual Teacher, Clairvoyant Visionary & Author of You Are The Answer Michael Tamura lived the miracle: Spiritually aware from childhood, he saw everyone the way they are - as immortal souls. To guide thousands…
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Functional medicine practitioner Jenni Berman joins me for this podcast where we discuss: Leaky gut and gut permeability The gut lining/bacteria penetration Antibody and cytokine reactions leading to autoimmune disease Cortisol’s impact on the gut lining, Food sensitivities vs allergies (IgG vs IgE) Jenni discusses the testing recommendations for i…
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Sharing Messages With Others with Ronnie King
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Join Ronnie and I as we discuss our experiences of sharing messages from animals and loved ones with others. Ronnie King is an animal communicator, equine massage therapist and the host of Equine Voices, a lovely new podcast focusing on the equine industry. https://www.facebook.com/equinevoices.co.uk https://equinevoices.buzzsprout.com Here's a lin…
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Nurturing Your Leadership Skills with Hillary Schneider
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Hillary resides on a beautiful 80 acre property in a valley north of Kamloops, British Columbia with her herd of more than 20 wise equine teachers, most of which have been rescued and given a new purpose. The ranch is a retreat for those who are seeking to have a transformative experience to witness their own magic, get clarity of their purpose and…
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A Shamanic Perspective of Modern Psychiatry with Dr. Robert Alcorn
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Robert W. Alcorn, MD is a retired psychiatrist. He graduated from Yale College in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received his MD degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1970. He specialized in psychiatry and practiced in the Cleveland, Ohio area for about 50 years. He was Board Certified in Psychiatry and Forensic…
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GOD WORKS all the time even when you don't feel like it. What is HE telling you through HIS Word? Claim it with faith and sincerity in your heart. Worship, Praise, Sing, Believe , Gospel, Word
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Flag Ranch an Olympic Mindset with Kimberly Carlisle
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Olympian and Stanford graduate, Kimberly Carlisle is an advocate and activist for human awakening to our impact on animals, the planet and each other. Through writing, speaking, photography and filmmaking, she tells stories that restore understanding, respect, compassion and empathy among all beings. She is co-founder, with Flag the horse, of Flag …
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Ready to see RESULTS in your healing journey? Dane Johnson and I have a lively discussion on the deeper healing of Crohn’s, IBS, SIBO, diverticulitis, colitis – or ANY long-term chronic illness! Dane calls me the Top G of IBD, which leads us to a funny little detour into Andrew Tate.* Then we do a real deep-dive into the mental, emotional, and spir…
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Today it is very common for you to be promoted on a team where you used to be a co-worker. Now as a leader, you have to begin making decisions and it is something we all experience and it is a delicate situation to walk through. In this Podcast, We have put down 5 strategies for a new leader to consider when this happens.…
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An Integrated Approach to Healing with Gillian McMichael
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Gillian McMichael is the UK’s leading transformational wellness coach, with over twenty years of experience in helping people find meaning and joy in their lives. https://www.gillianmcmichael.com/ The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD. *The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professio…
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Overcoming Full Body Dystonia Through Self-Awareness with Julie Kent
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As a young person Julie Kent was an athlete in multiple disciplines and a fierce competitor who was often forced to work through and compete in extreme pain. When she brought this aggressive mindset into her professional career her body made it very clear that she could not continue by manifesting full body dystonia. In this conversation, Julie sha…
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Join me for a deep dive into food and intuition with professional chef and food/health intuitive, Gail Blair. Gail tells us how she developed her abilities, and how you can work with muscle testing to assist your intuition. And then we get into discussing food allergy testing accuracy and reliability. Have you ever thought about how ancestral patte…
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Heart Centered Leadership with Ryan Hartley
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Ryan Hartley is the UK's leading Heart-Centered Leadership Coach. He is the Chief Heart Officer of Always Better than Yesterday, a company which helps develop heart centered leaders through coaching, consulting, community building and podcasting. After serving his local police force for 12 years in a variety of leadership roles, Ryan left to run hi…
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The Horse Heart Connection with Michelle Hefner
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Michelle Hefner is an author, life coach and equine assisted coach whose passion is helping people find comfort, courage and confidence in the liminal space, that scary threshold where old patterns must be released so that the heart's desire can be manifested. She credits the horses with teaching her that possibilities only exist in vulnerability. …
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Our Unique Evolutionary Process with Ronnie King
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Join Ronnie and I as she discusses her unique and circuitous journey to awakening to animal communication and intuitive work. Ronnie King is an animal communicator, equine massage therapist and the host of Equine Voices, a lovely new podcast focusing on the equine industry. equinevoicesronnie@gmail.com The introduction to this podcast is narrated b…
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Exploring Contemporary Psychology with Claudia Paretilla Guardi
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Please join this inspiring conversation with Claudia Paretilla Guardi as she discusses contemporary alternative techniques in the field of psychology and how she has learned about her own behavior through spending time with animals. Claudia is a registered psychologist and a clinical psychologist registrar, with special interest in working with peo…
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What is Animal Communication with Victoria Smith-Gillard
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Please join my conversation today with Victoria Smith-Gillard as we discuss the various ways animal communication has been defined and greatly limited in the past. Victoria is a Therapist working with pet owners to help heal emotional and behavioral issues with them and their pets. Her special interests are helping owners and pets heal when they pa…
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Sacred Spaces with Dr. Susan Fay
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Join Dr. Susan Fay and I as we discuss the ethics and fundamental concepts of energy work from our perspectives. Dr. Susan Fay's story in her own words: Like many horse-crazy girls, I spent most of my youth pretending to be a horse, reading about horses, watching horse movies, wishing I could ride one, and hoping desperately that one day I would ha…
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