Notícias e entrevistas sobre futebol, tênis, vôlei, Fórmula 1... Espaço aberto para a cobertura exclusiva dos grandes torneios franceses e europeus. Destaque para a atuação dos atletas brasileiros na Europa.
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Esse podcast foi a tentativa de traçar um paralelo entre a franquia de filmes Vingadores, a opinião de alguns telespectadores e não telescpectadores e os estudos dos teóricos Jesús Martín-Barbero e Stuart Hall.
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Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. - visit to get our free newsletter.
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Podcast pra quem curte música boa!
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Apresentado por Alexandre Ewerton
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Podcast de metal com conteúdo todo dia. Noticias, lançamentos e resenhas para deixar o seu feed um pouco mais METAL!
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O Tênis Certo entrevista grandes nomes da corrida e do mercado running. Todas as terças e sextas você encontra um episódio novo com convidados especiais. Conheça histórias de pessoas que fazem o nosso esporte acontecer. Espero que você curta os episódios.
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Na Era do Garrafão vai visitar acontecimentos e personagens históricos que acompanharam a evolução do jogo de basquete, e avaliar contextos, circunstâncias e legados no desenvolvimento do jogo que os apresentadores Renan e Vitor mais amam nesse mundo. NEdG é a lupa na história e no passado do basquete daqui, da europa, da NBA, do mundo.
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. The 2025 induction ceremony for the Podcast Hall o…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Exclusive: Apple Podcasts has made change…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Nine (all male) podcast hosts interviewed Donald Trump …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Exclusive: The Between Two Beers podcas…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Above: Spotted at the Greater Toronto Are…
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O brasileiro João Fonseca seduziu as arquibancadas do Aberto da Austrália, arrancou elogios de grandes astros do esporte e, aos 18 anos, se confirma como a nova esperança para o tênis brasileiro voltar a brilhar no circuito mundial. João Fonseca vinha de uma sequência impressionante de 14 vitórias consecutivas, só interrompida na última quinta-feir…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: Stig Nygaard…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. A nice example of promotional activity Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: Google…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Among the third wave of featured talent announced today is Anderson Cooper, Jemele Hill and Anna Martin. Visit…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Mistakes and lessons along the way, from Tanner Campbell Visit for all the links, and to get…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Could you produce an original piece of storytelling audio with just 48 hours notice? Visit for all the links…
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A dupla formada pelo navegador brasileiro Cadu Sachs e o piloto português Gonçalo Guerreiro tem se destacado no Rally Dakar 2025, ocupando a segunda posição na classificação geral da categoria Challenger após cinco etapas. A primeira metade da competição foi marcada por consistência, estratégia e superação de desafios, incluindo condições exigentes…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The magazine was monthly inside some issues of The Sunday Times Visit…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. We learn the details of a Barstool Sports show Visit for all the links, …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. You can vote now for the Podcast of the Year. Visit for a…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The man had disappeared in June Visit for all the links, …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The company doubles its share of new episodes in December Visit for al…
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Brasileiro Lucas Moraes está entre os favoritos ao título do Rally Dakar 2025
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Foi dada a largada na última sexta-feira (3) do Rally Dakar 2025, a 47ª edição do rally raid mais difícil e badalado do mundo, e que abre a temporada do campeonato Mundial. São mais 800 competidores no total, representando 70 países. Nesta lista, há apenas cinco brasileiros: os três pilotos; Marcos Moraes e seu filho Lucas, e Marcelo Gastaldi, além…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. How much will it pay - and could it mean the end of open RSS? Visit for all the links, …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Attention to retention should be your intention Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter.…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Will a shift to video make things harder for women? Visit for all the links, and to get our…
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This is sponsored by Personally, from CBC. From CBC, Personally is the home for intimate storytelling and memoir. Get lost in someone else's life. Now accepting pitches. We have all the winners in a big list Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter.…
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This is sponsored by Personally, from CBC. From CBC, Personally is the home for intimate storytelling and memoir. Get lost in someone else's life. Now accepting pitches. But how much government funding does it get anyway? Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: James Cridland…
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Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Paris 2024 foram sucesso de público e de organização
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Cenários de tirar o fôlego, quebra de recordes, polêmicas e uma animação contagiante e inesperada por parte do público francês. A Olimpíada de Paris foi aclamada como o evento esportivo mais espetacular de todos os tempos. E ficou dentro do orçamento de € 4,5 bilhões, segundo o balanço divulgado pelo presidente do Comitê Organizador, Tony Estanguet…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Hear predictions - it's not assured, not yet Visit for all the links, and to get our news…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Some of us get a minute - some get 18 minutes Visit for all the links, and to ge…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Ten moments that got podcasting talked about Visit for all the links, and to get our…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Revenue up by over 80%, again Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Im…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. And a membership plan of $450 a year Visit for all the links, and to get our ne…
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As conquistas de Vinícius Jr. e de outros brasileiros no prêmio The Best da Fifa
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O Brasil voltou ao topo do futebol mundial com a escolha de Vinícius Jr. como o melhor jogador de futebol da temporada. O troféu foi um dos mais aguardados na cerimônia The Best da Fifa, realizada na última terça-feira (17) em Doha, no Catar. Muitos outros prêmios foram distribuídos em várias categorias, entre eles, os de melhores treinadores, melh…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Clips from podcasts throughout the year Visit…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The size of the podcast market has increased, according to new estimates Visit https://podnew…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The company isn't updating new shows, and has undergone cuts Visit…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Is it the best ad for a podcast ever? Visit for all…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Licensync is sending invoices demanding payment Visit…
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O Centro Interpretativo do Canhão da Nazaré, localizado no icônico Forte de S. Miguel Arcanjo, que testemunha as maiores ondas do planeta, recebeu uma importante contribuição para seu acervo: a prancha utilizada pelo brasileiro Ian Cosenza em algumas de suas memoráveis descidas na Praia do Norte, conhecida pelas ondas gigantescas. Luciana Quaresma,…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. ...and the biggest shows in the world Visit for all the links…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. If you use it for analytics, you need to change things. Visit…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. The author's company will add its shows to Lemonada Media's slate Visit…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. You can now install it so it works just like an app Visit…
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‘O Instante Decisivo’: documentário revela bastidores da preparação de paratletas rumo a Paris 2024
O documentário "O Instante Decisivo", dirigido por André Bushatsky, estreia no próximo dia 12 de dezembro. A obra, que teve apoio do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro, será apresentada durante a premiação dos melhores atletas paralímpicos do ano em uma cerimônia em São Paulo. O filme retrata a jornada de paratletas brasileiros rumo aos Jogos de Paris 2…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. And a yearly report from a fiction podcast Visit for al…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. The company will form a new division called Acast Creative Solutions Visit for all…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. You've played music for your kids in the car too? Visit for all the lin…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. That's its name. Plus, Canadian listening increases Visit for all the lin…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. And Podgagement starts checking 34,000 charts globally Visit for all …
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. And free consulting for people who have lost their jobs Visit for all the lin…
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Clube do norte da França preparou grande festa para festejar 80 anos. A celebração foi com uma vitória de 1 a 0 sobre o Rennes pela 12 rodada do campeonato francês na presença jogadores e ex-atletas que fizeram história com o time. Com Marco Martins, enviado especial a Lille Em oito décadas de existência, o Lille tem uma lista de conquistas naciona…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. And does adding full video make any difference? We discover it does. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. Be thankful to Justin Jackson, Gavin Newsome, Audacy and ElevenLabs Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. …
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