Der wöchentliche Gammelkast. Klartext mit Ansage von eurem Horst DietHerr. Manchmal auch Lothar.
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Your Diet Sucks is a podcast about how we can unf*ck food.
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The Financial Diet helps you rethink your relationship with money, culture, and class. Education & commentary on the systems we interact with every day, from influencer culture, to economic systems, to financial privilege. Talk to us at
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Diet Science is a fun 7 to 8 minute weekly program with insights and straight scoops on today's health and diet issues from Dee McCaffrey, CDC. Dee is an Organic Chemist who lost 100 pounds, nearly half her body weight, and has kept it off for 20 years by staying away from processed foods. She's the author of The Science of Skinny, released by Perseus June 2012, and The Science of Skinny Cookbook, which was released December 2014.
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Bonnie Roney is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She's here to help women eat without guilt by giving diet culture the middle finger & improving body image!
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Magyar Közélet/Life and Politics in Hungary
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We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.
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Legendary NYPD detective and private investigator Bo Dietl gives his unfiltered and uncensored take on true crime, issues of the day and New York City stories.
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Información y opinión. Dieter Brandau analiza, como sólo él sabe hacerlo, todo lo que ha ocurrido durante el día con el mejor resumen de la radio, las claves, los sonidos y los protagonistas del día. Además, el mejor análisis con nuestros cronistas, contertulios y expertos, sin olvidarnos de la participación de los oyentes, parte fundamental del programa.
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The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting root-cause healing with an elimination Carnivore Diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her thousand clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and wellness, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutritio ...
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A sassy and informative podcast about weight inclusive nutrition for reproductive health. No diets. No BS. Just good, solid info to help you ditch perfectionism around food and your body, so you can live nourished through fertility, pregnancy, and beyond.
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Dietetycznie Zakręcony Podcast to podcast, w którym opowiem Ci jak zdrowo, skutecznie, a przede wszystkim pysznie zmienić swoje nawyki żywieniowe, jak odmienić swoje podejście do diety i jak w końcu (bez zbędnych wyrzeczeń) osiągnąć swoje wymarzone rezultaty! Znajdziesz tutaj dużą dawkę pozytywnej energii, motywacji i wsparcia! Zarażam bakcylem zdrowego stylu życia! Zapraszam! Dietetycznie Zakręcona Paula Jamróz dietetyk kliniczny & psychodietetyk
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My Wife The Dietitian is a fun, witty, yet educational podcast about nutrition and healthy living. Join hosts Sandra and Rob every week as they guide you through the maze of healthy eating.
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Podcast o tym, jak poradzić sobie z zaburzeniami odżywiania przy pomocy zmiany nawyków żywieniowych oraz zmianie podejścia do zdrowego stylu życia. Jedyny podcast w Polsce poruszający tematykę zaburzeń odżywiania bez tabu.
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Podcasts about Britain and EU referendum
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The official Dietitian Connection Podcast gives you access to the most influential and successful experts in the Dietetic profession and beyond. This podcast will inspire you; it will challenge you; and it will empower you to become a nutrition leader and realise your dreams. Visit to subscribe to the FREE weekly newsletter. Dietitian Connection is a one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for nutrition, leadership and business resources, exciting job opportuni ...
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Reisen Reisen - Der Podcast mit Jochen Schliemann und Michael Dietz
Jochen Schliemann und Michael Dietz
Urlaub machen kann jeder. Reisen muss man reisen. Und dafür muss man auch nicht bis ans Ende der Welt. Wir heißen Michael Dietz und Jochen Schliemann. Mehr als 100 Länder haben wir bereist – fertig sind wir noch lange nicht. Michael kennt man vielleicht als Moderator (WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 1LIVE, WDR 2) und Autor, Jochen eventuell als Musik- und Reise-Reporter und Autor. Als Reise-Experten des Radiosenders 1LIVE wurde uns erstmals bewusst, dass wir anderen helfen können bei ihren Reise-Plänen ...
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Host Ahren Lynch-Potter and his guests bring you a well-balanced mental diet on a range of different subjects so you can become better Mentally, Emotionally, Financially, Spiritually, and Physically. He brings you 1 episode every Wednesday so you can be nourished every week and make your life better and more fulfilling.
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My goal for this podcast is to break down the latest health topics and help clear the clutter in the messy world of nutrition and fitness. We hope to inspire, educate, and entertain all things wellness. We cut the bologna of the food shaming and keep the focus on making healthy habits that work for you! Join us as we talk with experts in their fields on how to feel our best in our own body and mind.
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Każdy z nas jest inny i potrzebuje innej strategii. Właśnie dlatego hasło przewodnie tego podcastu to "poczuj smak swobody". Bez względu na to czy mówimy o Twoim talerzu, planie treningowym czy wartościach, jakie wyznajesz w życiu - masz wybór i możesz rozsmakować się w wolności. Nie musisz wybierać między zdrowiem a smakiem. Nie musisz wybireać między fajną sylwetką, a radoscią z aktywności fizycznej. Możesz po prostu kierować się swoimi wartościami i przy okazji dbać o swoje ciało. W tym p ...
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Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, ...
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Many people are waking up to the fact that diets don't work, but if we're not dieting, now what? How are we supposed to find balance with food and reach intuitive eating? Join Sarah and Stef, a psychotherapist and a health coach, as they talk about all things related to disordered eating, bad body image and creating a life that's free from food and body obsession. The hosts draw on their own eating struggles and openly share the highs and lows of pursuing food freedom over weight loss.
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Diet Starts Tomorrow! is a hilarious, podcast hosted by comedian Mahesh Kotagi, where food, comedy, and bad decisions collide. Each episode dives deep into the world of guilty pleasures, diet fails, and everything we love to eat before we start being healthy again. Mahesh chats with guests about their favorite (and most embarrassing) food habits, diet disasters, and how they’re definitely starting their diet... tomorrow.
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Dr. Mike T Nelson gets geeky with the latest research and scientific findings in the fitness world. Visit to get Flex Diet Certified and for more geeky goodness.
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The Dietitian Values podcast is a space for conversations that go beyond lip speak, challenge the status quo and, bring us together to learn and unlearn in connection and community. Join me, Laura Jean Dietitian by trade and weirdo at heart, as I chat to insightful guests, brain dump my thoughts and start those kind of conversations where we'll probably end up with more questions than answers. Let's create a space for encouraging and inspiring accountable action.
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Dietz & Das. Der Podcast zu Politik, Gesellschaft und Geschichte aus dem Dietz-Verlag
Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf.
Informativ, unterhaltsam, inspirierend: Autor:innen aus dem Dietz Verlag stellen ihre neuen Bücher vor und sprechen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen. Spannende, offene Diskussionen und neue Sichtweisen von unterschiedlichen Expert:innen für alle, die sich eine differenzierte Meinung bilden wollen. Jeden ersten Freitag im Monat hört Ihr hier ein Interview, eine Lesung oder eine Diskussion zwischen Autor:innen und ihren Gästen. Sie ordnen aktuelle Ereignisse in Zusammenhänge ein, e ...
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Dile adiós al sobrepeso para siempre sin necesidad de hacer dietas ni depender de tu fuerza de voluntad o de tener motivación. El sobrepeso es un síntoma de que algo necesita tu atención. Es hora de priorizar lo que realmente importa para tener salud, calidad de vida y que finalmente puedas verte y sentirte como toda una mamacita.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast is an intuitive eating-focused podcast that helps those who experience chronic dieting, are deep in diet culture, or want to heal their relationship with food. Emily Krause and Hannah Thompson are your non-diet dietitian hosts! We preach all foods fit, body neutrality, and joyful movement. Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode!
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Podcast by DietitianHumor
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Primal Diet – Modern Health combines the best of Natural Health and the Paleo Diet in one terrific show. Host Beverly Meyer offers a wealth of information on food, hormones, supplements, sleep, neurotransmitters, and more, often with great guests. She is a Clinical Nutritionist in practice since 1985. Beverly has worked actively on her own health since the 1970's. Find her popular blog at
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The Fertility Dietitian | Functional Fertility Info in your Ears
Brooke Boskovich | CEO & Founder of The Fertility Dietitian
Brooke Boskovich is a Functional Medicine Dietitian specializing in Fertility and this is The Fertility Dietitian Podcast where she helps couples uncover the barriers that are preventing them from optimizing their fertility & teaches you how to work with your body to finally take home a healthy baby. Each week she will be diving into different topics on fertility and sharing her perspective on physiology, metabolic health, nutrition & lifestyle approaches that have helped hundreds of couples ...
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Welcome to The Diet Diaries, a podcast where we have candid, heart felt conversations that will help you figure out what, why and how to eat so you can feel amazing in your body. Because its time to break the all or nothing mindset of yo-yo dieting, food obsession & feeling ruled by the scale. I’m your host, body image and nutrition coach Jordana Edelstein. I’m so happy you’re here.
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Rozmawiamy o tym, co jeść i jak jeść, ale przede wszystkim, co zrobić, żeby się chciało to robić. W tym podcaście dowiesz się jak budować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w oparciu o dobre relacje z jedzeniem. Przed mikrofonem Monika i Magda, jesteśmy dietetyczkami klinicznymi z psychodietetycznym podejściem.
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Dive into "The Anti Diet Life" with host Leah Hortin, an anti-diet health coach and intuitive eating counselor. Join us as we give diet culture the rebel yell, exploring intuitive eating, body acceptance, and pursuing health at any size. Uncover tools to navigate the toxic diet mentality and find a weight-neutral approach. Connect, share takeaways, and reach Leah on Instagram at @antidiethealthcoach. Subscribe, share, and be part of the movement towards a more liberated and balanced approach ...
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Based on the hit book, "The Secret Sicilian Diet". Sandra Cammarata MD. and Giovanni Campanile MD. Unlock the secret benefits of the Sicilian Diet.
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Are you a woman over 35 struggling to lose weight and dieting? Find out the diet myths sabotaging your efforts and why shifting your mindset is key to lasting weight loss. If you can't do what you're doing until you are 85 years old, you are going to gain the weight back!
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Bite-sized information motivation and inspiration on health and well-being topics by Naturopath and Master Coach and Trainer... Martyn Park. Enjoy!
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Comedians Suzie and Erinn recap episodes of AMC's new series Dietland. Riots, not diets!
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Come and enjoy Zoë Harcombe and guests chat about what’s important to you in the world of Diet & Health Today. This show has something for everyone who’s concerned about their own health and the health of their family and friends, with up-to-date science, advice and tips from leading diet, health and exercise professionals.
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Welcome to Dismantling Diet Culture: F*ck Being Calladita, the only spanglish anti-diet podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Hortencia Jimenez, a mother, daughter, comadre, amiga, community member, professor, health coach and published author. On this show I share personal experience, tips, strategies and education content to help you understand diet culture and systems of oppression so that you can have the tools to challenge diet culture. Current and future generations do not deserve to inherit you ...
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Outer work without inner work doesn't work. The show is called Dieting from the Inside Out for a reason. Because you don’t need more diet culture. You don’t need more ‘eat less, move more, work harder’ content. We’re going to get deep together. This isn’t your normal diet or weight loss advice. I’m going to show you how to fix your inner game—but as it applies to weight loss.
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The Diet Obsessed podcast is for people who are obsessed with all things diet culture and like to discuss the details, while mentioning it all! Discussions include: weight loss, fitness, diet culture, body acceptance, food obsession and more, with detailed reviews of other podcasts related to these topics. Podcasts recaps include content from: The Taylor Strecker Show, Diet Starts Tomorrow, Unsavory, Maintenance Phase, The Kardashians, The Skinny Confidential and more! Tune in every week and ...
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Gezond oud worden en zo lang mogelijk van het leven genieten, dat wil iedere man. Maar hoe doe je dat? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je lichaam slank, gezond en sterk is? Echte Mannen Diëten Niet geeft je het antwoord op deze vraag. Met deze podcast help ik jou om af te vallen, een platte buik te krijgen en je lichaam gezond en sterk te maken. Dit doen we zonder dieet, zonder calorieën te tellen en zonder een streng regime te volgen.
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Clase continuación de dietas
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Welcome to The Cancer Dietitian Podcast! Join Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, a bonafide expert in oncology nutrition, as she guides you through the forest of nutrition and cancer information. Are you a cancer patient wondering what to eat to keep your body as healthy as possible during treatment? Are you a cancer survivor wanting to eat as healthy as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence? Are you sick of all the crazy info around nutrition and just want an evidence-based resource for ...
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Poadcast ini akan berisi seputar pembahasan diet dan pola hidup sehat yang akan memotivasi anda. Segera follow agar tidak ketinggalan dengan poadcast kami yang akan rutin kami update dengan tema-tema menarik dan pasti bermanfaat bagi anda.
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The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK. Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media. Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally t ...
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If you’re in the diet trap, then this is your escape plan. Quit Your Diet – Think to Shrink is a transformative podcast where mindset meets method. Hosted by Michael Dawson, a seasoned therapist with decades of frontline experience in challenging environments, this show explores techniques and strategies that have helped millions, and translates them into everyday insights. Inspired by Michael’s groundbreaking book, each episode offers fresh ideas to break free from the old diet mindset and ...
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Lash Lies, Lawsuits & Bethenny Frankel’s Brutal Honesty - 1174
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1:22:26Bethenny Frankel has never been one to hold back, and her latest viral beauty review has sparked one of the biggest controversies in the lash industry. In this episode, we break down the Pro Lash vs. Lashify drama, how Bethenny’s brutally honest review on TikTok ignited a firestorm, and why beauty brands are scrambling to defend their products. Was…
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At the end of the day, what people remember is who actually showed up for them. Relationships aren’t built on grand gestures—they’re built on consistency.#CommunityMatters #ShowUpForPeople #InvestInRelationships #SupportSystem #BuildingConnections #FriendshipGoals #Networking #PersonalGrowth #BeThere #MeaningfulConnections #relationships #consisten…
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Episode 622: Arturo Vs. Grok 3- Fact Checking Redux!
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1:13:43In this week's Diet Soap podcast, Arturo Desimone returns to set the record straight about the Monroe Doctrine and the character of American power while Doug fact checks him again in real time using Elon's newest wonder: Grok 3! Support Sublation Media on Patreon
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323. Carnivore as an Elimination Diet. Thoughts on Animal Fats, Omega-3s and Seafood.
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46:57Support your health journey with our private practice! Explore comprehensive lab testing, functional assessments, and expert guidance for your wellness journey. Find exclusive offers for podcast listeners at _____ Dr. Jack Wolfson and I dive deep into the power of the carnivore diet, focusing on its role as an elimina…
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#101 - Giving Away 100,000 Books: Quit Diets Forever
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29:50My goal is to give away 100,000 copies of my book, Quit Your Diet: Think to Shrink, to help as many people as possible break free from the endless diet cycle, forever. Grab your free and completely unedited copy (the same one sold on Amazon for £19.99) directly from my website at and jump-start your journey to quitti…
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How to take back control of your inner dialogue. Today, I’m diving into a topic that in relation to your overall health and well-being is more powerful than any diet, exercise regime, or super supplement, and that is the conversations you have with yourself when no one else is listening.…
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Body Image Bulls*ht, Fitness Culture, and Athletes
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1:07:02What happens when the pressure to perform collides with the pressure to look a certain way? This week, we’re tackling body image in sports and fitness—breaking down the differences between body dysmorphia, body dissatisfaction, and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), and why athletes are especially vulnerable. From social media-fueled comparison traps …
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166. Reacting to Old Episodes: Ep. 7 Our Unbiased Thoughts on the Keto Diet
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31:35In this episode of The Up-Beet Dietitians podcast, Emily and Hannah react to one of their earlier episodes where they discuss the keto diet. Over four years have passed since the girls recorded their initial thoughts on keto, so it only seemed right to take a trip down memory lane and see how the keto diet has changed! Be sure to tune in on youtube…
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Exercise Without Guilt & Fuel Your Body the Right Way [feat Sports Dietitians Reilly & Jenna]
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38:07Hey Rebel. Exercise can feel complicated, especially when diet culture has shaped how we think about it. If you’ve ever felt pressure to work out to earn your food, struggled with guilt around movement, or felt like exercise was more of an obligation than something enjoyable, this episode is for you. I’m joined by sports dietitians Riley and Jenna,…
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60. Making Peace With Food with Lori Brown
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38:30In this episode of The Anti Diet Life, I sit down with registered dietitian and eating disorder specialist Lori Brown to dive deep into Intuitive Eating Principle 3: Making Peace with Food. Lori brings over 20 years of experience in nutritional therapy and shares her insights on what unconditional permission to eat really means—and why so many peop…
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Does Canada Have the BEST Italian Food? with Alex Pavone!
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34:07Diet Starts Tomorrow! | Episode 9 Canada's Guilty Pleasures with Alex Pavone This week on Diet Starts Tomorrow!, comedian Alex Pavone joins Mahesh Kotagi to talk all things Canadian food, guilty pleasures, and why the best Italian food is actually in Canada! Alex Pavone, a Toronto native now based in New York City, is a hilarious comedian who's bee…
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Episode 311: Maximizing Athletic Performance with Neurology: Insights from Dr. Dylan Seeley
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1:16:51In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Dylan Seeley to explore how neurology can enhance athletic performance. We dive deep into working with MMA fighters, focusing on how the brain influences movement, reaction time, and overall performance. Dr. Seeley shares insights into visual and vestibular training, explaining why perip…
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Episode 218: The 3 words that will change everything
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10:00Ever feel like you’re stuck in an endless loop of dieting rules, tracking, and feeling like you’re either winning or totally failing? You’re not the only one. And the good news is there’s another way—and it starts with three simple words: Experimentation, Curiosity, and Practice. In this episode, I break down why these words are the foundation of r…
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5 Rules for Gluten-Safe Kissing
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13:49Gluten-safe kissing is important to talk about. If you’re sensitive to gluten, what happens when a kissable partner has eaten pizza or had a beer lately? How careful do we need to be? Can we get “glutened” from kissing? Several studies show that proteins from foods can linger in the mouth several hours after consumption. Some mouths clear them fast…
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Could eating a simple bowl of grapes be the key to stronger muscles? A groundbreaking study says yes—especially in aging women. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of this new research ane explores how the 1,600 natural compounds in grapes work together to support lean muscle mass, why these findings matter for healthy aging, and what…
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Unpacking the Health Risks of Processed Foods and Industrial Seed Oils with Dr. Chris Knobbe
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1:06:35In this conversation, Dr. Chris Knobbe discusses his journey from being an ophthalmologist to a public health advocate focusing on the dangers of processed foods and industrial seed oils. He highlights the relationship between the rise in use of seed oils and the increase in chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Dr. Knobbe …
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107. Finding Joy in Movement—Starting Your Fitness Journey Without Diet Culture
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34:26Welcome to another solo episode! Have you ever felt like the gym was a place of punishment rather than empowerment? In this episode, we’re reclaiming fitness from diet culture and toxic industry standards. Movement should be about joy, healing, and self-connection—not about shrinking yourself, earning food, or pushing through pain just to meet unre…
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#56 - SSD Interviews Dr. Martin Moore-Ede | Sleep Health Expert
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1:02:29Send us a text Join Dr. Sandra Cammarata and Dr. Giovanni Campanile as they interview Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, a pioneering scientist in circadian biology and a global expert on the health effects of light exposure. With over 40 years of groundbreaking research on circadian rhythms, Dr. Moore-Ede has transformed our understanding of sleep disorders, f…
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Bibas Family, Weight Loss Drug War, Fake Botox Fraudster, Collagen Cream, Energy Balance Versus Disordered Eating
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57:24On this episode of "The Diet Obsessed Podcast" I discuss how the murders of the Bibas family are affecting my (and hopefully the world's) mental health and how we all need to use specific tactics to stay positive in this crazy world. On a lighter note I discuss how Betches cancelled Good Bodies, there is a Fake Botox Fraudster in NY, the science of…
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Ep295: Circling the wagons
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30:27Podcasts from A Diet of Brussels, talking about the issues around the UK's withdrawal from the EU, and Brexit.Season 3 (starting December 2022) marks a new phase in this, with some big changes on the way, which we'll unpick each month.Website: www.adietofbrussels.comSimon Usherwood
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EP#357: 8 Signs You’re on the WRONG Diet or Weight Loss Plan
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39:54If you’ve ever struggled with losing weight, sticking to a diet, or feeling like you’re constantly starting over—this episode is for YOU. Most people don’t fail because they’re lazy or undisciplined. They fail because their plan is broken from the start. In this episode, we’re diving into the 8 major signs that your weight loss plan is setting you …
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What does a gut-friendly diet actually look like?
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33:26Struggling to keep up with the fast-moving science of gut health – and make it digestible for your clients? This Gut Health Month, we’re joined by leading gut health dietitian, Nicole Dynan, to break down the latest research on gut-friendly diets. Nicole shares evidence-based recommendations and practical strategies to help dietitians translate gut…
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