E46 - Being a Transwomen in 2022 - The Hidden World of Women
Manage episode 335385331 series 2940810
While some parts of the world celebrate Pride month in June, here in Australia we celebrate Pride in November but Pride is for more than just one month a year. The more we can learn about people’s experiences the more empathy and understanding we can show.
The 2016 Census counted 1,260 sex and/or gender diverse people in Australia, 26% of those identified as transgender. This count is not considered to be an accurate count, due to limitations around the special procedures and willingness or opportunity to report as sex and/or gender diverse. People who have been treated with disrespect, abuse and discrimination because of their sex or gender may be unwilling to reveal their sex in an official document.
In this episode of The Hidden World of Women, I spoke with Melissa who is a transwomen from Melbourne Australia. I will admit, I had some broad understandings of some of the issues that trans people would face in Australia but it was interesting to discuss issues with Melissa that wouldn’t have occurred to me. It’s not as simple as just saying ‘my outside doesn’t match who I am on the inside, so I’m going to live as a woman now’. I thought there would be difficulties with having to come out to friends relatives and colleagues but I didn’t consider the surgeries that were possible or the level of interest that strangers would show. 30-40 hate prank phone calls in a night from a stranger? What? Why? Who does that?
Thank you Melissa for your time and sharing so openly. If listeners want to get in contact with Melissa you can find here here:
W: www.melissagriffiths.com.au ;
Facebook (The Real Melissa Griffiths -@melissachloegriffiths): https://m.facebook.com/melissachloegriffiths/ ;
Melissa Griffiths Transgender Supermodel Advice Page. https://m.facebook.com/mgtgsupermodeladvice/
Instagram (#/@melissacgriffiths): https://www.instagram.com/melissacgriffiths ; Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissagriffithsgga/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/melissaracing
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZOwq_qiJi7N3pZNlbI6kw
Supports available include:
WAAC www.waac.com.au
Freedom centre for people under 26 who are GLBTQIA Support for LGBTIQA+ young people | WAAC
PFlag for parents of GLBTQIA+ www.pflagwa.org.au
Trans folk of WA Trans Women - TransFolk of WA
Switchboard (Victoria) Switchboard Victoria
Globe (Victoria) GLOBE | Connecting & Nurturing LGBTIQ+ Communities (globevictoria.com.au)
If you are looking for support
Crisis care: 1800 199 008
Lifeline: 131114
Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800
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