Chicken Little Syndrome
Manage episode 271096157 series 2784719
Episode 7 | Chicken Little Syndrome
Hello and welcome to warrior divas podcast real talk for real women and I am your host Angie Lehman rho. I'm so excited to get started with you today. We are got a great show coming up. And we are going to have kind of some fun at the expense of my husband here in a little bit. So but before we get started, I want to remind you all about our conference coming up in October, October 11 and 12th. It will be in Grapevine, Texas, and we are having an amazing line up of speakers coming in to talk some activations to do when you walk out of conference, you are not just going to be walking out and going, oh, I've attended another conference, you're going to be ready and armed with some amazing things to go out and, and just exponentially increase your life from where you're at now, so put it on your calendar, October 11 and 12th divas impact unmasked in Grapevine, Texas, you can find more information out at divas But like I tell you every week, I am Angie Liebman row and I am your girlfriend. So one of the things I like to do is I like to dish with my girlfriends, don't you? We like to talk we like to have fun. And I'm going to share some stories that will poke a little bit of fun at my husband. But there is a story and a lesson behind each of these things that we're going to talk about. So bear with me, I'm not male bashing my husband by any means. We are just going to use some lightheartedness to learn a lesson today. Alright. So a few years ago, my husband and I and our three kids decided to go on a camping trip up in Daisy, Arkansas, Daisy, Arkansas, at that time was population of probably about 100 people. And this was 14 years ago, I think so we didn't have a boat. We had our tents. And we didn't really have a truck that we could haul a lot of stuff in. So we switched out cars with my brother to load my brother my car, we took his truck when my brother loaned us his truck, he said right here in the front, passenger side tire is a screw shouldn't have any problems with it. It's been there a while. But just in case you have a problem, it's probably going to be that tire Just so you know, it's just so you're aware. Like Okay, so we loaded up the truck, we loaded up the kayak, we loaded up the tents and we went up to Arkansas, and we had it planned, where we do a day camping there at the campsite hanging out on the lake and we'd go up to murphysboro, Arkansas, where they dig for diamonds was and we dig for diamonds one day and spend another day at the lake and go up to hot springs and visit hot springs and tour around there and show the kids the climb to the mountain or the tower at the top of the mountain, things like that. And then another death like in our last big adventure was to go up to Calvert camp, Albert Pike. Now camp, Albert Pike is something that heard about my whole life, there's a winding staircase, there's some beautiful scenery, where you hike in, and you ride these little rapids down on these on this winding staircase. But on the other side of it, there are all these logging roads that lead in and out of the camp. And just north of that camp is a place called Little Missouri Falls. Well, my husband is one of those that work with as well, and it says let's go explore. So we started winding up the Little Rock, gravel, dirt road, that kind of one car may be too if they suck in their side mirrors can get by at one time. And we're going along down below this is babbling creeks of water, we've got our dog with us, we're having a great time. And my husband asked the kids, Hey, y'all want to ride in the back of the truck.
They're like, yeah, this is gonna be awesome. So they jump out of the truck. And my son hollers over to my husband and says, Hey, we got a flat tire.
So my husband gets out expecting it to be that front, passenger side tower. It's not it.
It's the back, passenger side tire.
So here we are. Remember, this is a very narrow dirt gravel road.
My husband's changing the tire.
He gets that tire fixed, we gon go on up to little Missouri falls, we have a good day there, we come back. And we're just going to see where the trailhead is for the winding staircase. We're not going to go to it today. But we're going to just go see where it's at.
Excuse me.
So we go up through the park and we're on now this asphalt surface. We go over a speed bump, and all of a sudden, and you hear before I could even really react to understand what it happened. My husband goes into full-on Chicken Little syndrome. We're screwed. We're screwed. We're screwed hands flying up in the air. We're screwed. And at this point, he took me off guard so much because he's not a very emotionally charged person that I like to do was a laugh. So as a deer, if you'll park the car there, I'll take the kids to the restroom, you can go and talk to the camp host and see if maybe he can help you figure out what we need to. We're screwed. We're screwed. So off we go.
We get done going to the bathroom. We go in, we sit in the little reflecting pond areas that they have there. We're swimming, we're having a great time this good old boy that had been camping there was in an inner tube. And he had he was a one-armed guy. And it was just very unique. And so we're sitting there he's talking to us. He's paddling around in that inner tube, you know, and, and he's just circling around us a little bit as he's talking to us and goes, you know, you got a flat tire, don't you? I said, Yeah, my husband went up to the camp host to go see if we could get some help. Well, the other part of the story, I don't know, is the camp host up there. Open the door. My husband told him about the problem. He says, well, there's a town 20 miles that way and slams the door, my husband's face. So my husband had set out to walk to town.
And then he got mad and he says, forgets this. We're just going to limp it back home. So he came back. When he came back, I'd already been talking to this gentleman for a while and the guy goes, Hey, I'll run into town. So here we are. We are literally in the middle of the Washington National Forest. This gentleman gets out of his relaxation time, gets in the car takes my husband 20 miles down the road. They get there. The tire stores closed.
I don't even know what my husband said at that moment. But they did tell you about another one further on down the road. So they drove back past the place where they met the fork of the road drove another 20 miles to another store. This kid happened to go in the back where the grass was growing up between them and found the size tires we needed for this truck because it was not just any normal tires. It was a random funky tire. So they come back. They change out the tire. I know Mike's had a rough day something like come on children. Let's get out of the water. Let's go. Let's not make your daddy wait on us. He looked at me He's like, get back in the water. We're going to happen. He was not done yet. So, later on, that night, we're back at our campsite. He had already told the young man he'd be back the next morning for another tire because of we already had that one out. And I'm walking up towards the showers.
And I just looked at my the husband said, Does this tire look flat? You gotta be kidding me. Are you serious? Are you serious? So the next morning, he got up, put up enough air in the tires to get them to where they need to be got the other three tires changed out. And when we return the truck back to my dad, my brother, it still had that same front driver side tire with the screw in it on it. But all the other three tires had been changed on that truck. Now my husband was not happy for a while after that trip. It was
creepy. He was naming me every little thing. But every time something went wrong, my kids and I would do the whole we're screwed. We're screwed. We're screwed thing just to get trying to get him to laugh kind of poke the bear a little bit. He was not amused. See, one of the things that had happened in our marriage and our life and our things that have gone on is we had had a series of events that we had started to believe what's next? What can happen next? Oh my gosh, what now? Recently we had neighbors move into our home. I think it was in our neighborhood. It was April May time frame they moved in. And within a month of being in, they had a tree fall on their house. It's natural to ask What now? Right? I had a friend that moved into a new house in March out on the north side of Fort Worth, that neighborhood has been hit twice by major storms in the last three weeks. It's routine to ask what's next, those things kind of automatically come up. But see, some of the things that we don't realize are the priceless memories that are built during that time. We saw a great example of a neighborly guy come in, didn't have
to give up any of his vacation time at all, and helped my husband out.
My kids still, talk about that being their favorite vacation of all times. Because there was adversity, there were memories. There was laughter there was just a lot of things that happened during that vacation that we just can't forget, because of the things that happened during that vacation.
Then, you know, there's also my husband walking off his anger.
You know, sometimes you just gotta walk it off for a little bit before you reengage with everybody else, you know that the burden is laying on your shoulders and you've got to fix something and you've got to handle something. And sometimes you've just got to go walk it off before you reengage.
So what is your knee jerk reaction when things go wrong?
I would like to say that we all learned some amazing lessons from that experience. And we never had any knee jerk reactions ever, ever again. But I'd be lying.
Literally last week, not this past week. But the week before last. We had a major catastrophe on our hands. We had recently bought a boat, it had never been in the water. We were going to go take it and put it in the water later on in that day. And I knew we need to go into town and get some things and again we were back in Daisy, Arkansas. My parents have a cabin up there. Now the population has had a boom they're up to 115 people in that town. And we were just set and ready to go. My husband texts me and asked me if I'm dressed for the day because we've got to go to town. I mean it was an urgent text. Did I say why? And he sends me a picture of his broken fishing pole. You cannot be unlike Greece and then Daisy Arkansas with a broken fishing pole. My husband will break out in hives.
Then we decided we're going to head up to hot springs. It's about a 45-minute drive up to hot springs when we go out there. And we come out of the Walmart there and somebody had tried to siphon the gas out of our gas tank but my husband has one of those locking diesel tank things. So we didn't get ripped off there but we could see there was an attempt right. On the way back. We're driving down this two-lane road and out of the woods three o'clock in the afternoon a deer comes running head towards us as we're going east. He's going eastbound as we're going westbound. He runs right down the center stripe of the road. He sees another car coming for him and turns a hard left right into the fender of my husband's truck. back behind the back tire flips goes over the fender of the boat trailer and tumbles down the road. Not seeing nothing but hooves and antlers and ears and all sorts of stuff. Probably not antlers yet, but you get the drift right for flying everywhere.
That was just crazy. Three o'clock in the afternoon. It's too hot for dear to be out at that time. But he was out. A little bit later we hear a loud chink sound on our windshield. What was that before we got back to Daisy we already knew it had chipped my husband's windshield. So we get over we get the things changed out on the boat, we're ready to go put the boat in the water for the first time and we get in in the water and we're running it and we're testing it and all of a sudden, it's the throttle is down hard. And we are dead in the water. See one thing I'd made my husband by hot springs that day was a boat paddle. So we don't have any skis on the boat yet. We need a boat paddle because you know how hard that's going to row that boat with that boat paddle. So you know how hard it's going to be to get that boat ashore without a boat paddle.
So we took the boat paddle.
So I got a video that I shared on my social media of me watching my husband paddle our boat to shore. Because the first thing that happened as soon as that throttle was forward and there was no movement, my husband, that God knew he was going to rip us off. That guy knew that that the drive train was going up. We're just we're out of the water, we're screwed. We're screwed.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm looking at my husband going he has lost his ever loving mind again. But during that time, he decides he's going to jump into the water and swim it to shore. He gives me an into the rope. He takes the other end of the rope. And during one of the poles Yes, somehow the rope came out of my hand. So now I'm floating to the other side of the lake, people are catching me on the shore. He's got a boat that's coming over to us to pull us over to the boat ramp, we get the boat loaded up, he's all sorts of angry, he's just fuming his head is purple and his boss. So it's a lot of head that's purple. And he walks around the back of the boat, puts his hand over his mouth processes our over his chest and just starts laughing.
See, this guy hadn't ripped us off at all. Apparently, we did not check to make sure that the cotter pin had the propeller of the boat locked down. So, therefore, their propellers been off the boat. Yes, we did it to ourselves. And our own reactions made it even worse. By the end of the night. We were laughing we were joking, we're having a good time.
But again, it was an inconvenience. Because now we didn't have we had an extra pillar. But we didn't have the cotter pin or the locking nut or the spacer in there was just a lot of things that had to go on. All we wanted to do is get our boat in the water and enjoy it. Oh, and did I mentioned there was a storm coming while we're doing all this. So Where it was nice and peaceful day it kicked up 50 miles an hour winds all of a sudden, yeah, that that was a little handy piece of information I left out. And it literally felt like the sky was falling for a little bit.
But the thing that happened during this time was we were all able to laugh about it. Even in the middle of everything. We were still laughing and having a good time going, ah, the joys of ownership. Ah, yes, this is so much fun. We always wanted our own boat to work on, we just didn't know we'd have to work on it
this much this best. Our perspective changed, we were able to see the people on the shore that helped catch the boat whenever drifted over to it, and thank them and be engaged with them right then we were able to to see the people that were in the other boat that pulled us over to the boat ramp and thank them and be engaged with them, then we were able to be engaged with the man back up in hot springs the next day that went through three different parts boxes, and pulled out the miscellaneous parts we needed and only charges 20 bucks for them.
I mean, it, it was we were not so blinded by the tragedy that was around us that we could not see the blessing that was coming our way.
See, my mentor and friend John Maxwell tell us all the time that when life is tough when things get as we call it in the military in the suck. You are really in the prime position to get the greatest blessing and receive the biggest miracle. And I truly believe that I think these stories are our thoughts, engaging stories that just kind of help you go, oh my lord, I think I would have just gone to bed. And several people told us that when we chronicled the day, I think I would just go to bed and start again tomorrow.
And we joked about that. But in the moment of all those things happen, my husband and my communication skills were better. We got to enjoy and meet new people and communicate with them. We got to engage with people we would have never been able to engage with. And it made all the difference in what the outcome was. One of the things that I saw that day when we were getting ready to test out the boat and that storm was starting to come in as I saw these clouds forming and they were beautiful clouds forming over the Marina. And if you ever go and look on our social media pages, you will see some of the pictures that I took from that day. But on there, there are also these huge clouds forming and through there are rays of light that keep shining out. And my friend Karen calls those who brace. And so those hope rays of light were shining through the darkness.
So no matter what it is you're facing today, no matter what comes up against you. Maybe you just got rent paid and you know, rent is due in less than 14 more days, and you're up against it right now. Maybe you've just gotten a diagnosis that doesn't look good for you start looking at the people that are put in your path along the way because that's where your blessings are found. These are the things that being able to see and recognize the blessing at the moment will set you up for more and more and more blessings. Now, I'm going to tell you here in a minute about Karen Sebastian, because she's our everyday diva this week. But before I do that, I want to give you the opportunity if you email us at blessed at divas And tell us about an extraordinary lady in your life that we should highlight on the show. We would absolutely love to do that. But right now, I'm going to talk about Karen because see Karen is one of the founders founding divas of divas impact I in the founder. She was right there pushing me challenging me encouraging me. And she was going through it. During the whole time, she was pushing and challenge me. She had a husband that was dealing with a chronic illness. And she was out speaking and spreading hope and love and joy and her charismatic attitude. everywhere she went. She was the first editor for her magazines when we launched those. She was just the light behind everything we've done. Now I'm telling you about Karen because Karen has another extraordinary person in our life. And that's her dad Bill. Bill is one of those guys that would get up in the morning and walk and swim and do all this stuff. And he was in his 90s, almost 100 years old and he was living his life to the fullest. And that is one of the things he has taught his daughter Karen how to do. One of the beautiful things I get to see now from a distance is watching Karen and her new husband
live their life on full display, sharing joy, sharing hope and sharing love to others. And for that reason, I've nominated her this week as our everyday diva. She is full of hope, full of grace. She's written several books. And I'm hoping several more to come. She is a mom, she's a sister, she's a wife. She's a daughter, and she is a legacy builder, like no others. So take some time. Go on our social media look up Karen, learn more about her order her books and just find a way to put that hope for what's to come ahead of what you're dreading today.
So that's going to do it for this episode. But I look forward to talking with you next time on where your divas real talk for real women. You have a great week.
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